December 22, 2009

Climate Science

Dr. Lenny has been ranting about the failures of the climatologists to prove global warming and the number of red herrings thrown around to convince the people of the truth. I have problems with data from ice sheet thickness - doesn't the ice melt more in some years and less in others? Tree ring data seem better - but that is short term.

This morning i found an article by another left-leaning scientist, David Crowe - a non climate person, who reviews the state of the art as he sees the issues. I share his thoughts in a number of areas, including the futility of peer review. If this triggers further questions, feel free to ask away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the earth will balance itself out, when god created man he left room for this thing called human error, what makes you think he won't balance it all out on his own sweet time?