December 06, 2009

stream of dissonance

energy field unstable - pain accessible from multiple locations - turn off the resistance - accommodate and decelerate - tune everything howdt - shutting down for reboot - 3..2..1..

good afternoon - welcome back - the challenge is to see how much here is still there. look around and make your assessments - you can start doing whenever you feel ready to do. i am here to assist - anything your heart desires that rings true. - 1..1..2..3..5..8..13..21

hola - como estas? y tu, tambien. gracias. vamos a mis amigos casa para el fiesta. de nada. 2..4..8..16

over the river and thru the woods to grandmothers house we go. The horse knows the weigh to carry the sleigh = my little horse must think its queer to stop without a farmhouse near = he gives his harness bells a shake to ask if there is some mistake = 3..6..9 the goose drank wine, the monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line = memories, times we had with one another = i'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore = have become comfortably numb 3..2..1

y'say y'want a revolution. and where do we go from here, Which is the way that’s clear? Still lookin’ for that Blue Jean Baby Queen. Prettiest girl I ever seen - #9

allow yourself to drift wherever the stream of consciousness takes you. Do not attempt to control the flow, let it go and resonate with what collects from the recesses of your mind. The time for change is upon on - get grounded on the path that you intend to walk. hold my hand as we walk together. 1..2..3..4

i wish to thank the academy for this great honor. The issue is existence and the task ahead is to sort through the fog. My brain hertz - the frequency allows time space shifting to set right the asymmetry - the event horizon is with us here and now. are we there yet? 1..1..2..3..5..8..13


Anonymous said...

estoy aqui, contigo.

EarthKeeper/GameMaster said...

2.. 4.. 6..8 we live to appreciate. honor
peace to piece
peace become me as I illumine my mind
the hearts vessel is sharp
the krystos alive
within the three petal flower of the heart The Trillium I am
vapors create atmospheres like white mist
the lode stone of peace inoxiuosly sweet

aum cume servut