February 09, 2010

Seeding the Seed Program

Deep thought - the health of the community is dependent upon the health of the individuals within the community. The object of life is to breed further life. An hour from now, i will be at the grange with a wheat grass juicer providing sample of the future - green shots. Our wheat grass has a spicy flavor and we will have enough to produce our own regular amount.

If we start to grow grains, like quinoa, spelt and millet then maybe we can have our own green brews.
I stepped up to the plate last night and agreed to be the seed keeper for our grange. The check in system will be the key, we have to keep good viral seeds rotated through and cataloged. The seed exchange will ensure that our breeds are hearty - we will protect from heat and humidity. I expect that a nitrogen blanket will keep the facility inert.

If you wish to play with seeds this spring - let me know. I can provide sunflowers, pumpkin and squash - plus some grinding corn. I would like to know who is growing what - which will come through the grange. We are looking for members that wish to be part of the grow, can and store operations that will support our entire growing community.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

count me in! I'll bring over my seeds