April 08, 2010

By Intuitive Design

Conflict accompanies stress - we need to let up a bit and not be so hard on each other. This society is half convict and half puritan and sometimes doesn't understand the difference. The burden of proof has the bar set for pole vault, when the game is high jump. That or total nonsense. The war on people has to stop.

The treei cards that i drew this morning send a message that i comprehend - the time is moving forward and change is in the works. This interpretation is on alchemical terms. The group card is to End Power Loving. To this end, i tend to interpret power as an outside force on my existence, but others see this card as our own personal influence. The fact that it is drawn as a group card may represent the greater group, us humans.

My lead position card is to End Flow Flowing. I have done that, by grounding out to rock bottom as of the fools day of April. The iron card is to sense Power Powering, see the manipulations for what they are worth and stop believing that i must use their belief system - what is this phantom that pretends to be omnipotent but which just soaks up out tax dollars (aside: tomorrow is tax freedom day)

The copper calls for inspired action, to Sense Flow Loving. The hardship will come whether we play the game or not, so what do we gain by continuing this game with reckless abandoned. The have ways of making us conform in our thinking, but we think how we do through a sense of love of ourselves; the mechanism of why we as individuals choose to stay alive. The gold is to Start Mind Loving, to create compassionate intellectualism that realistically looks at the current situation and addresses the challenges.

What i don't know that i don't know is to Start Love Powering - that if we discern our own situations and make the necessary changes, we can grow spiritually and physically into the Gaia of tomorrow, where we have a co-existence with the consciousness of all earth based souls. That science ignores soul is to our detriment as Einstein clearly evokes when he complained that God doesn't rolls dice.

So where is this going - my I-Ching hexagram is Sung/ Conflict. I feel antsy and yet wish for isolation, time to think things through in personal peace. Time to hit the book, to read and to contemplate before acting... thanks to A, L and I for interpretive assistance.

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