April 15, 2010

How Does your Mind Work?

As I wake up to a hot shower and a cup of coffee, my mind slips into the mode of evaluating the tasks of the day. What information do I need to gather to accomplish the mission that I have set forth for myself? By the time the first cup is down, my plan is set and my neural synapses are twinkling.

My better half needs that coffee in bed before rising like a Phoenix from yesterday's ashes. The book allows a perception of nothing moving, so the actions get oriented in a manner that slowly warms up to full speed – about mid morning. If you try to do too much too soon – you are working a model using jello as clay.

Whether we get out of the gate fast or slow, we get up to speed to do what we do. Some of the tasks are controlled by the limbic mind – like breathing regularly. Other events require an external trigger, like when the purr-meister yeowls that dinner time in immanent. The ability to draw proportions of method into the madness depend on whether the right or left brain is in control. When both are always on – well you go as you go.

When the time comes for my motor to stop running, I close my eyes and am howdt like a light. No need for knockout pills or alcohol – my conker conks when it goes. I can fall asleep with the band playing ten feet from my pillow. Rock Band. That's partly where the howdt comes from – the ability to zone when zoning is required.

The picture that I draw was what I assumed for everybody – but now I find that I am wired somewhat uniquely. Aspbergers' syndrome is not a syndrome at all, but a different wiring plan for the cranial cavity. Life looks strange because, well, people are strange, when you are stranger, faces look ugly, when you're alone. But really – each of us is unique and trying to fit in by believing what we were told. Life doesn't work that way.

You can be anything, do anything, have anything. But you must clearly decide what is is that you want to be, to do or to have. The universe responds to requests in absolute fashion – not quite what you vision, but exactly what you requested in literal terms. Oh – and the timing never matters – you get it when you get it.

Part of living in a now where the past was and the future hasn't been yet. We always live in this now – so be here when you're here.
How you think is up to you. Just stay cognitive and think for yourself, and if the powers that be don't interrupt, things will be all right.

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