June 18, 2010

Forest Collaboration and Consensus

My friend Joseph and I had a conversation yesterday on the topic of consensus politics. Having served on many panels and committees representing the people for the grubment - i know the ins and outs of the process very well. I was president of a watershed council that pulled 17 different interests into a solis group for restoration of fish passage throughout the Umpqua Basin. Today's article by Wuerther tells the story of enviro sell-out by people that do not understand the process, or are too greedy for their own ideas to really represent the Gaian viewpoint.

This is our only earth. The trees metabolize carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. A newly planted tree sequesters very little carbon. Old growth eco-systems have a common balance where everything works for all the players involved. Logging is not necessary, but reducing fire danger by thinning is a means of elongating forest continuity. We need our forests smelling clean, not smelling of burnt chainsaw oil. However, if we have to use chainsaws, let's put mushroom spawn into organic oils and reseed the forests with the mushrooms that catalyze forest growth.

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