June 05, 2010

Lessons - #1

Was sitting in the pool at the hot springs having an inspirational conversation with an old friend who is moving on, when the light came on and the multiverse clarified. Flow has started flowing as Form has transformed while Matter is in fluid dynamics. Sound beats the airwaves and the Mind races as Power and Love dance to the tunes of the Void. The world whirls in less mysterious ways today.

The goal of the game is not to win the game - it is to perpetuate the game so that others waste their time playing, while you continue to change the rules and drive the other player nutz. Like Jack Nicholson's best roles, you conveniently leave sanity alone for awhile and turn off the i really care about things genes.

As memes fly - believe everything they tell you - reality is a sandwich. You can be the bread, the lettuce, the condiment, the cold cut - they don't care as long as you feed - the deeper the better. Let go once and a while and come out with a real humdinger. As above, so below. Like opening the pump at the gas station on the ground and holding it open for two months. BP's done it, why can't you. The more absurd, the better.

Oh - if i don't have to win and the object is to mess with everybody else's ability to believe, then where does the common reality come from? Enquiring minds want to know.

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