October 20, 2011

Interpreting Life through rock philosophy

'Each monday seems to offer new options, because the bright options of the previous monday are already closed pavements. Nature creates spontaneous behavior from point sources, redundantly so that different paths can evolve and the one that works best can be chosen at a later time. Reading tea leaves is a practiced art form.' DLT

Occupy everything has many different spins - and each of them is a proper reality for the bearer of that opinion. Consensus reality is breaking down and the myriad of possibility will have to sort itself out. Concrete formulation is melting - the aerodynamics of reality is shifting plain, plane, plain as day. By george, buy george : but never bye george? (hint : $1 )

The very last line of the Bohemian Rhapsody is 'any way the wind blows free'. Looks like occupy might create a way, the weigh, the whey, away. Words mean exactly what i say they mean, said the red queen. Go ask Alice...

So i drift into the confines of a new and novel reality that is contingent on being two places at once. The place i am and the place i am not will both have the same comprehension - i know that the dualism is contingent on the reality breaking one way or the other. Somehow, it always gets broken. 'I want to hold you in my arms forever, baby' but the winds of change percolate through the realm.

Off to recreate what has yet to be created ... because what a fool believes is real is real. get reel.

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