October 23, 2011

Try to imagine

Sometimes, imagination works better than vision. Working in the dark allows you to not see the surroundings - which forces you to focus on the task at hand. Imagine a mobius strip vortex shaped like an infinity symbol. Now place a roller coaster rail along the surface and pretend that you're along for the ride. What happens when you get to the twist in the middle? The place where the inside of the ribbon becomes the outside comes complete with an inversion - which turns everything inside out for the opposite trip. If the rail wasn't regular, you would lose track of the track.

Now that you have this image firmly embedded - superimpose a time line above the graphic. What are the units of the timeline? Aeons - or years - or seconds? You know - it doesn't matter what time-line you assign because it all works the same. We converge on a point at any given moment and once it passes, we assume that that moment is over and continue on to the next. But do we ever reach the point where the infinity symbol inverts?

Are you holding the image - the final downhill of the roller coaster riding a single loop that inverts every other time that you hit it? (You have to go throught the entire symbol once to get back to the starting point - both the inner and outer tracks). Sew if you can't picture this image - think about a bowtie and a string that runs the periphery, then goes inside the bowtie and runs the exterior surface from the inside, til it returns to get out.

Now - another leap of imagination - The loop is stacked - another infinity of larger size surrounds the ride that we have created (a tiny bowtie manifests inside your other bowtie). Everything acts the same, looks the same, feels the same, except it's land of the giants - each object is 3.14 times the size of the prior object in the same form. This means that the scaling is different - for things to look the same, the dimension would be 1.61. Somehow these two numbers look like the same difference conceptually as the difference between radius and diameter. Not exactly - there is 0.07 difference - let's call this the wiggle room.

Conventional mathematics in base ten is stacked - there is no wiggle room in addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Nature does not play with exact mathematics - the are fuzzy. Computers work based on fuzzy logic. The graphic field, a McTaggart concept when applied, to Lovelock and Margulis Gaia theory is not fixed but fractal. What this means conceptually is that life has wiggle room and time can have several pathways.

There is no time but now. But there are simultaneous nows that converge upon each other because all timelines must fit into vortex of the single point in the renewing roller coaster loop. So we get ourselves returning to visit us in this convergence of 2012. Be at peace world, because Pogo was right - we have met the enemy and he is us. But that's okay because we are also us and we can stop fighting any time we realize that. Peace will come at the convergence point, life will invert, time will freeze over and everybody gets to start again because life goes on.

I have been invited to become a peace ambassador through the shift network - because i demonstrated an interest and it fit their paradigm and my paradigm. But after the events of Peace Week - the shift network shifted back into commercial timelines and wishes me to purchase training that i feel that i have already been gifted. So as i take the stage - i offer my services to the Shift Network to actively teach and learn the new weigh - the system of evaluating that we will have to use to decide how we become the change we wish to see.

Meanwhile, i'll be digging in the dirt. Try to imagine ...

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