November 13, 2011


Sometimes it pays to deliberately deceive ourselves - we get to avoid truth. That truth may appear to be unpleasant, but it is what it is because it is truth. There are many ways to get to truth and if we forget that things all have to add up, we can assemble different collections of thoughts, where non-truth can be pared out later - like cleaning bad spots off a piece of fruit. If you notice the bad spots and let them go, your fruit goes down-hill rather rapidly. Unless you are using a persimmon.

Reality - is whatever we make it - Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge. We need both. I live in my own imagination and do not need to burst the bubbles of creative fiction - but concurrent reality means that if you point it out to me and i choose to ignore - then i am deceiving myself and no longer exist in that reality.

To fix myself, i objectize the feelings and energies into a piece of matter. Instead of having tension caused by rolling emotion - i take my particle and put it in the box and then look into the box. It cannot be a wave because i have observed it to be a particle. We enforce duality into this range of space at this time - no wavicles. No shades of grey. Either or. One love. Bah - it's a horror story that i choose not to weave my way through this minefield.

So i go to the shelf and i place that book back into it's order and pull another set of pages to determine the new path. The lesson in grounding was well taken and the play is set - the essay written, the conclusion reached. Whether it was worth the effort - it most certainly was - but the learning experience and the take home message was not what i thought it would be. I guess that is why they are called lessons.

I hope you caught the reference to Plato's Cave. The shadow world created by our observations without confirmation creates illusions of what is and what can be. Open your horizon and stop limiting the view based on artificial constraints that are imaginary in nature. You never have to elucidate the demons, but once you do, you can no longer neglect to serve them, until you dissipate their power. I turn it off by no longer feeling - i did feel there and got burned - just needed to turn down the heat.

Heat is reflected in rate - things generally move faster when the temperature rises. When you slow down, you cool off. If you don't like the cold, you keep moving and generating heat - more gets done. But when the stop comes, it is harder to orient. There is something else here too - missing from the equation. I feel off balance and know that spin has a way of reorienting our perspective. Maybe i'm reading in too much - but something nags that seems obvious to others but not to the aspie crowd - perhaps we are better off for it. I don't mean to cut you off - but i mean to cut you off, i have to, for sanity sake. But i would like to know the answer, so the door is slightly ajar.

I think that i'll watch football and sort paper - mindless clearing of artifacts that open the doors toward new endeavors. I hope you always miss my touch - and can conjure the feeling up from the memory - i know i can. I love you, he said, as he walked through the door, never to return that way again ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seems Plato's Cave and Reality discussions are suddenly popular.