December 09, 2011

Free Agency

Perhaps the time has come for everybody in the world to be granted free agency from this nation/state nonsense being perpetrated by the current kleptocracies. You could decide one time whether you wanted to be French, Russian, German, American, South African or whatever based on your personal preference rather than where you happen to live in the world. I would even go as far as to allow none and Gaia as two of the choices. Once you choose, then those are the 'governance' that you get. I wonder how many new forms of government would emerge from such a chaos.

We could potentially do that with religions too. I consider modern science to be a religion that has a specific disregard for spirituality. It hence becomes a group of fanatics, who insist that it's their way or the highway - because the gatekeepers insist on the limit of facts. The burden of proof in science relies on peer review, which is unmitigated ego. Real truth lies buried beneath massive amounts of BS.

The passing through the wormhole of consciousness to shift our vibrations relies on new ways of thinking that are not constrained by current paradigms. Time to take on a project or five that keep you totally engaged and busy while the rest of humanity sorts themselves howdt in the current year. For me, i have some deep interests that i am now free to pursue, the first one being a commitment to unconditional love for every sentient being - plant, animal, mineral, alien, female or whatever.

i love you too - just not always in an erotic way. I like the way your eyes sparkle, especially when you have something to say. Chocolate vibration today - enjoy.

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