March 11, 2012

Who are They

Patrick: "It’s not what you look at that matters
It’s what you see"

~Henry David Thoreau

  • Dr. Lenny

    I dunno – we see just what they want us to see. Other senses tell me that there is more here than meets the eye. I feel walden when i believe what i see.

    • Patrick

      Who are ”they” ?

  • Dr. Lenny

    we are they and they are we and we are all together – see how they run like pigs from a gun …

So, the question to address is who are they? Is it the man behind the curtain that we should pay no attention to? The Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command? The powers that usta be? Our higher selves? When it comes to defining we and they, the pun on the Beatles 'I am the Walrus' is just that - an attempt to be funny. When we go deeper...

My theory is that we have thirteen current timelines that govern the universe that we see and interact in. The time lines are paired and aligned as six spokes about a central 'reality'. We are on every one of these timelines in multiple dimensions, but we are cognizant in only three of the worlds and members of the sheeple in the other ten. When we are in the sheeple phase, we have our 'normal' life with our constant family doing the expected things and not making much of a stir.

When we get to our yin/yang paired world - this is where our cognizance lies. For me - i am here and typing a blog - whether i am dark or light is a matter of perspective; from this point of view i consider myself to be part of the light. My alter ego on the dark side has a life and activity and family and does things that my light me would never consider - the angel and devil whispering on the shoulders of cartoon characters is the best analogy.

These worlds pass through each other constantly, where we merge with ourselves and end up with our cognizance moving on one of the two worlds as we split and our 'anti-cognizance' being equally active but not in our recognizing brain sphere. Plus there is always the 13th us, which i consider to be my higher self in tune directly with the universal conscience. This framework is home for me and i sometimes forget that it is a construct of my own reality.

We also occasionally pass through our sheeple beings and sometimes even transpose positions. This leads to incredible adventure that is out of the ordinary and sometimes completely game changing. I believe that sentience derives from water and that scale is way more important than distance. When we have a key decision to make, we make both sides of the decision and generate a new reality on a different scale. If the decision turns out to be of no consequence, the time lines merge back into each other, but sometimes you open Pandora's box and the old gets away and never comes back.

The engine is a thing called free will. We have free will when we have cognizance, but not when we are sheeple. When you get recognized by an entity beyond self, it locks in a pattern sequence that we call reality. The us in this reality is everybody that we interact with, while the they is the set of people that we have no contact with. The image of the world is a collective composite created by the we and the they, but since there are so many more they than we, I believe the big scenario is a they construct. It is easy to include and exclude - if you were blind and couldn't see me, would i still be there? Would i be we or they to you, the blind one?

It seems to me that we get exactly what we expect to receive. Our moods and our present version of reality influence the 13th world and sometimes we slip out of time for individual missions that gives the great spirit a new experience based on the sequence of events being unique in a person's reality. It is a high honor to be selected for this vision quest and it in no way affects the reality of most everybody else on earth.

I have a theory of mind based on the grid of 64 and 4 different orientations. Humans are good at subdividing everything into smaller and smaller increments, but we have difficulty in imagining anything bigger. Emergent behaviors take place only when the conditions are ripe and the calendar year 2012 seems to have provided the inspiration for change. The Beatles, Abbie Hoffman, Timothy Leary, Ram Dass all used psychedelics to achieve a state of mind that i believe i have achieved through experiential learning - being open to wherever the universe chooses to take me. I have unconditional love for all - a significant change from the perspective that i previously carried, where i serve judgement on whatever didn't fit into my own limited perspective. I did use psychedelics for recreation on occasion, and my first vision quest was likely due to a trick of the times.

As i am now rambling - i will stop here and grasp for a vision of truth - what is real to me is my personal truth and my thoughts on delusion as expressed in earlier posts still hold water. It is the water that is the key to all of this.

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