April 15, 2012

At a loss for Time

Seems like a quiet before a major storm. The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you, dear prudence... The speed of light is 3 x ten to the eighth power meters per second. Sound is significantly slower, which is why we see the lightening first, then hear the thunder.

The scale that we think on is in the middle of the spectrum. If we look at the grand scale - we find we are somewhere in the muddle of the middle - a very raw place to be. We do very well on the smaller and smaller, but poorly at the emergent scale of what may be bigger. I am sure it is not just spheres that represent groups of suns.

Think about where elements come from. Our sun is a fusion reactor that creates helium out of hydrogen. What happens when it keeps fusing. When stars burn out, the core of what that star was must be very dense. I know a few people who may be even more dense than that starshell.

As we investigate time, we cannot use time in the definition of what we are looking at. Time is an endless loop of as above, so below and the very large maps to the very small. It is not a simple inverse - it contains rotations and similar faces. If a buckyball (64) has identical faces, then how do you gain perspective of what you are looking at?

So let's simplify. Time depends on size - the bigger you are, the slower you age. Think about how many ants there are on this earth. How do ants communicate with other ants of different ant species? My aunt picks up the phone and calls - mebbe your aunt sends an e-mail. There is more population of ants on the earth by weight then there is people. Ant colonies work without requiring that ants carry money.

So what is a year? A rotation of earth about the sun. Both are translating in space and rotating on axis. If you climbed off the planet and stayed motionless, you would be left light years behind. I don't think i grok this concept. What is gravity, really? What is real? SFF

Time to enjoy a pleasant sun day with more qophy, a toke, chocolate and some meditations into brain space. namaste. RDLT

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