April 20, 2012

Depth of Thought

Are you looking forward to 4:20 on 4/20? If everybody got high at the same time, we could all chill out and lower global warming at the same time. People are being silly already, doing things like insisting their facts are correct because they read them in a book and have a citation as proof.

Space/Time is conceptually broken - we need to toss the baby, the bathwater and the tub. Reinvent the wheel. Challenge even the most basic assumption and validate the truth before accepting facts as part of the premise.

We can build models (games) and study them to see how they work, then make changes to the details (rules) and replay the game. Cause generally leads to effect, but the temporal relationship that effect always precedes cause is not borne out by the facts. Some people understand things wrong then insist that because they 'got it', it must be correct.

Let's look at global warming - the data say that yes, the temperature of the earth has increase during the past two centuries. The industrial revolution occurred in the past 200 years and created an economy based on burning stored energy (coal and gas). Thus the industrial revolution and human activity has caused global warming. Who can argue with such logic?

I suppose that the industrial revolutions on Mars and Venus also contributed to their planetary global warming at the same rate as the Earth. Perhaps people should 'get' physics before they discuss the physics of the universe. But what happens if traditional physics is not quite right?

My friend Nassim Haramein has demonstrated a different form of physics that is mathematically consistent with current evidence - based on spirals and sacred geometry. The gatekeepers of the mainstream have just started to recognize the level of thought that it takes to explain the facts in a different weigh. They now 'allow' him public access, how quaint.

I live on the cutting edge of atomic orbital theory. Synthetic chemistry takes the duality of wave and particle nature and says - let's just work with the particles. Analytical chemistry takes the same duality and works with assigning the waves frequency to particle orbitals. Orbitals are electron containers and the electric universe concepts can be interpreted through the spectroscopy to correlate with particle reality. Remember, it is all just theory.

Theories use models to test hypotheses. As above, so below. Nature funnels consistency from the very small to the very large without breaking the chain - fractal reality manifests itself differently under changing conditions; each scale is contiguous - one range blends into the next.

When the particle physics of very small agrees with the eastern zen philosophy of the Tao and the metaphysics of the very large, then the muddle in the middle must miss the metaphor. As bright as Uncle Albert and Ike Newton were - there is more there out there and what we already believe is just another form of myth.

No need to be on the same page with me. I can think through things from my perspective and come up with different solutions than you get. As long as you think to get here, i am okay with debate - we should agree to be consistent, when we can agree on common reality. Right now, we each live in a very uncommon reality and i am fine thinking my own thoughts and blogging them here, for your entertainment and my personal edification.

Is it 4:20 yet?

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