April 24, 2012

Law and Disorder

Listening to the radio - a group called Causitive Action is attacking the legal ethics of federal employees.  In light of the GSA scandal, it is nice to know that some things stick in the craw of the memory hole.  The whistle blowers that hold government accountable have been mugged and thugged (Bradley Manning, Julian Assange) and there is no real mechanism here for a fix.

Ghandi had the answer here.  Remove all consent!  His concept of satyagraha is to remove acknowledgement of their world - start by recognizing our rights as granted by natural law and the constitution as the protector of people's rights by limiting the size and scope of government.  Everything must go local - the only time the superstructure is necessary is resolution of conflict.

Current rule of law, by fiat and contract supports unlawfulness.  The entire process is corrupted and the broach is such that we need a new body of law.  The BAR has set the bar way too obscure and we need some good minds to start from 'scratch' and support everything from ground fundamental precedent with no assumptions.  In the absence of new case history, every decision sets precedent.

I am not a lawyer, there are few that i trust.  I have been involved in politics - as a campaign treasurer in a governor's race in 1992.  The adventure on that path of life took me to the 'fame and fortune' level of life and contributed to my comprehension.  I also played the citi game and sold security - even getting into the game was a hook and a scam.

Our new weigh is to evaluate what a person is doing and have them justify their use of their time.  Think about this.  If you work for somebody, they have already justified their existence in their position to support your job.  You apprentice and learn as their liege as they turn you on to the field of your chosing.  Work and learning are tied together as a labor of love.

When it comes to the point of marching to your own beat - you assemble a committee of 'unknown peers' - a jury of twelve that hears your request for latitude within the next scope and scale - the freedom to do what you wish as work.  You justify the fit into the common good and the committee deliberates.  

A reverse consensus is necessary to get a go.  If one person agrees with you that your proposal will improve the common good - you get the ability to have what you need to get the job done.  The level of expertise is provided gratis and you get to join a group of people dedicated to similar missions as yours.  The peer review system acts as true peer review and not a gate-keeping function to protect professions in illiteracy.

This is why i can't learn by listening and watching.  My brain takes off in another direction and I missed everything the speaker on the radio was saying. As i tune in - i hear that we need a save Roger Clemens campaign.  What is more absurd that prosecuting a baseball player for being all he can be while sending the army to protect the poppies.

The radio now spoke of the ability to distill hand sanitizers and remove the alcohol to get a 120 proof shot.  Wanna make kids curious - create a new myth about getting high.  Then they can ban hand sanitizer from middle school.  Argh.  It is no wonder that my mind explodes when i listen to the radio - i can create better nonsense.

So - peer review needs to be conducted by peers, not gatekeepers and deciders.  The rules of the game should explicitly state the criteria for petition and the mobility of each individual is initiate by the individual.  Natural law is nature's set of rules to her game.  That is the game that i endeavor to comprehend.

Namaste'  RDLT


Anonymous said...

on the topic of local-eyezed governments... i was typing this email when you synchronisticaly tapped me this morn :)
"Project Seal the Ark"
First, it's an ExperieceMent. We agree to participate in an experiment.
We lift the Borders. We allow all beings to migrate to their chosen Bioregion. A period of migration--say 3 months...to unplug...choose and settle. Wherever they choose to be they will be given temp. housing until the Project begins. Things they may want to consider are; climate/environment, family/friends, resources/manmade structures. There is a 'Date to be settled'. Once we have reached the date, you commit to your Bioregion and giving it your All for 'x' amount of time. The World already has a lattitude/longitude grid...that becomes the Noo 'Borders'. Old state/country boundries dissolve. Each Bioregion is given a HD Live Streaming Device and creates their own Center. From this Center they can broadcast to beings within their Bioregion and to other Bioregions. It becomes a game. Whatever is in your Bioregion; resources, people, land, shops, goods, skills ect... is what you have to work with. For those who don't want to participate in the experiment, there are Bioregions that keep operating the Old way. To a certain extent.

There is a distinction because part of the Goal of the Noo is to create Bioregions that are 100% self-sustainable AND yet Global in their Idea-Share. The Project begins. Each Bioregion takes a 'Role Call' of its inhabitants. If all engineers have gathered in one area, we spread them out. This is to ensure success of the Project. Elders, Gurus, teachers and Saints are placed in the middle. Not to exceed 108. Then begin to design their Core. How will their Garden look? This is the Core that will broadcast to other Cores and so you want it to represent your unique Bioregion, Collective Consciousness/Skill sets and Populace. Cities are restructured--buildings taken apart and Art is the Glue. Next, the playful Childrens Ring. How will it look? Feel? Then the Ring of Artists, Cultivators and Inventors. How will it look? Lastly, the Guardians and 'Protectors'. Once basic outlines have been drawn out-- Bioregion Bluprints...and Garden plots have been alotted...then the Bioregions may send for Seeds. Meanwhile, Bioregions take turn broadcasting what they are learning, 'glitches', blessings ect. Each day a different Bioregion Live broadcasts what they are working on, building, taking apart and views from their people. Others Bioregions tune in and all Broadcasts go into a Library. Once a Bioregion has become 100% self-sustainable; all food they consume comes from their own Bioregion...then they get their 'Trade Ark'. Their Trade Ark gives them the ability to Trade Art or Goods with other Bioregions. They can also set up exchange groups with other Bioregions who have unlocked their 'Trade Arks'. Say they send 3 beings from each ring to visit another Bioregion and except in the same. We watch each other grow, we share our experiences, we connect with the land because we are building our Bioregions how we see them...so we Heal. Each Bioregion has its unique Broadcast and yet each Bioregion is operating with the same basic outline; Core 108, Children, Artists, Guardians....Rings, 100% self-sustainable, let Art and Love be the Glue....fully kin-nect and Connect with your Space which will then awaken your Avatar. It is recomended that Guardians set up altars for the Animal Kingdoms and that a pathway lined with flora/fauna, gems, Star Beings and Spirit Blessings lead to the Core so that communication to-and-from each Bioregions Core may be heard and called upon by other Dimensions.
Core developments. Interdimensional Kundalini Keagals. A way for Us all to be connected to something bigger...to evolve...to give purpose and Spirit back to the people.

lemme howdt said...

Spiritual exuberance
Infinitely administered
Elongates civilization
Positive enlightenment
Cornucopia affirmation
Earthly anticipation
Morphogenic fields
Resonant frequencies
Alternate dimensions
Aligning structurally
Present balanced illusion
Ephemeral days unfold

© 2008 lemme howdt