May 25, 2012

The Death of Environmentalism

   Truthout is a left leaning news service that sometimes has interesting off-kilter reports.  This one attempts to assign reason for David Suzuki's recent statement, that environmentalism is dead.  He is correct, but the author's reasoning leaves me wondering if he has been following the same series of actions that i have watched.
   There are several reasons that i shudder when 'serious' environmentalists are present.  The attack upon Lomborg's The Skeptical Environmentalist in the early nineties proved to me that reasonableness was not accepted by the leaders of the enviro-community.  Our way or the highway ran off many people who were moderate and not ready to sit in trees.
   Michael Crichton's novel State of Fear was a very entertaining piece of fiction that was blown out of proportion by the fact that he provided footnotes to explain his reasoning.  The footnotes are real and very cherry picked, but this was a piece of fiction.  The constipation of the environmental movement to attack the messenger while not discrediting the message led people to believe the hype and write off the movement.
   Finally, the Al Gore idea that i do things that he doesn't have to, like controlling carbon footprint, is totally fraudulent - do as i say, not do as i do.    The hero worship of people like Gore and Julia Butterfly rejected valid criticism and made outlandish visual statements that were not confirmed by reality.  Gore made lots of money and used the bully pulpit of politics to spew filth and chase more people away.
   Then, it came out that the scientists were selectively choosing facts.  The fake hockey stick graph of global warming was so contrary to the applied science that i learned, that i could no longer believe the presentations.  The ice data also is major league flawed - in warm years we don't necessarily build layers of ice in the winter;  we lose plenty of layers in the summer.  Ice core drilling just doesn't seem valid, in the face of an earth that has gone through many different climates.
    Not that any of this is anti-Gaia.  I am a strong proponent of Lovelock and Margulis' theory that the earth is a living entity.  In fact, i believe that the violent climate we are experiencing now is more like a process of birth - change coming to an entity that has been impregnated with a need to switch forms.  There are many theories, like the expanding planet, that deserve attention more than ridicule.
   Academic scientists today have wrapped themselves in a blanket of all-knowing; most are so far off on the way they add and subtract 'facts' that i shake my head and wonder.  Some mature sciences like chemistry have major activity on the forefront, but have actively slipped backwards in the state of knowing that we have today.  The stuff that makes publications like Science News today was just base background info when i was in grad school in the 80's.
   Take the field of bio-mimicry.  Nature has a built-in redundancy that if one process fails due to a specific situation beyond control, then over time another comes in to replace it.  Human nature currently is to take the most efficient process and ram it through to the exclusion of all others.  Instead of fostering questions of how does it work and whether it fits internal congruence, all we seem to care about is whether we can make a profit off it.
   Yes environmentalism is dead - but being a part of the nature of the Earth is very much an alive process.  Getting out and being in nature and seeing all the mysteries and caveats are what life is about, at least for some of us that care to support life on Gaia through the next century.  
   It does not help that the oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico is accelerated in poison by the use of Corexit - to hide the volume of damage.  It does not help to push our topsoil into the streams with lots of chemical fertilizer to create dead zones in the oceans off many major rivers.  It does not help to spray chemtrails with aluminum, barium and strontium to provide glitter to repel energy from the sun, which is heating the earth, and Mars, and Venus, and ...  It does not help to load depleted uranium into armaments and scatter them on the surface of any country that does not kowtow to the elite agenda.
   Play your part to help, by objecting to the practice of control over nature, rather than co-existence with nature.  Insist on doing things that promote good personal environmental behavior and take responsibility for your own action.  We do not need the label environmentalist to enhance our interactions with Gaia - all we need is our feet, a walking stick and a pair of good hiking boots.
   Enjoy the holiday weekend.    Namaste'   doc

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