June 25, 2012

Fibonacci Peace Poetry

The gurus and the masters
are charlatans and fools
parading themselves around
a mutual admiration society
groups can never work
until individuals can work
when being circulates
within self-admiration
we learn together
co-creative from source
costumed out with
training tools to surf
the waves of peace...

one first is self,
one second is whole
then we can speak of two
the you and the me
as we become us
when our one individual
coincides mutually
perhaps we can consider three...

not us and they - us and we
transformation of self-evolution
platitudes a'plenty
show and tell never worked
to grok, one must immerse...

it is just people
talking at people
about being people...

people, people who need people,
need us to agree with them, with us...

so they can find their one...

so we can find our one...

2012  lemme howdt 

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