June 26, 2012

Revisionist History

   When the old story breaks down, get out the pens and change what really happens to what you want people to believe happened.  The game is to keep some facts straight while turning others upside down on their head.  Anything that can be forced into the memory hole is, and wallah - we have the liberals worshiping Jimmy Carter and the days of double digit inflation.  Just another story of the imperial presidency, which now exists but didn't back then.  But those who weren't alive at the time, wouldn't know any better, so ...
   I listen, but need to turn down the sound.  Yesterday, i listened to speakers in the summer of peace and birth 2012.  One speaker, James O'Dea mentioned justice as a term with peace and love - it struck me that there was a moment of wisdom here - amongst the noise. Any system that we adopt will have to look at social justice from the standpoint of right and wrong, not right and left.  
   Prayer for peace in Paraguay.  There is a problem between legal and moral and the game is being swept away by force.  The rule of law is the rule of the gun - the law is that of what is said, not that of what is or what should be.  There is no rule of law, just rule making for the benefit of keeping the existing is going - this is not what is.  Prayer for Peace.
   I have some objections with the Peace movement.  How can people who are not at peace with themselves be considered leaders of bringing peace to the world?  When people link to a world vision that aggrandizes their individual role and thus exempts them from the rest of the us, then there is not the social justice that we mean to achieve.  The kitty hears my crying voice, mentally screaming that freedom requires that all thought be allowed, no matter how much we may disagree; he agitates with me.
   Justice is not created by a few people of means having a party to celebrate while everyone else struggles to get by.  The need to purchase things to keep the system going in perpetuity begs the question - why do we want to keep the system going?  It doesn't work and economics has turned into a Ponzi scheme - unlawful at the very elite levels, where exemption from the law of gravity is enforced.  Guess what - all thing return to ground - sometimes like a house of cards.  Hmmm.
    We are defined by what we measure and how we go about taking that measurement.  We are inundated with numbers that can be expressed in ways to give us images of very small .0000001 or very big 1000000 just by shifting where we put our point.  But the mathematics hide another grok of numbers - numerology - which unfortunately has been shuttled aside by the linking of science with mathematics in an oppressive tandem that beats information into us according to the pattern, the same pattern used to build the house of cards.
   We get to start anew - with a clean piece of parchment and an understanding, no a comprehension that anything that we believe must be justified against this new mural of an empty peace vessel - sailing on a stream of love - seeking justice and liberty for all.  Back to square one basis - i have justified time so i have a coordinate system that can be used - my toughest task will be to do it - without broadcasting what i think, because what i think here doesn't matter, not at all.
   Imagination is more important than knowledge, Uncle Albert once said - now imagination used to further knowledge was the game he played, and played well.  Some people laugh when they vision the cart standing before the horse - staring at the horse the cart says - no you put the yoke on voluntarily and pull me around - no pushing required.  Time to take the harness off - economics can no longer be accepted as the basis for a system of justice - the recreation of life as we grok it, has only just begun.
   Namaste'   doc

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