June 14, 2012

Time 4 Change

   We are all one - the symmetry of the universe is apparent from the tenor of the discourse.  Reality and illusion are conveniently confused and the fact that yin is tied to yang rarely enters the picture for the not-so-observant.  Thus, i grin, because some truths of the world that were in my cognizance, yet not recognized by others, have been proven to be true - my big picture has met some realism.  Of course - this could still be part of the grand illusion that Styx so aptly named, but the posts by the three other authors noted on Tuesday were also right on to the point.  
   Anything that we watch can justify our way of thinking about things.  When you go to places where nobody else is and watch the things that happen, you realize that there is multiple presence, even though there are no human people.  I struggle sometimes mentally, when i have adopted a way that seems natural and find ostracism from the group for the behavior expressed.  It seems easy to slip into the role of victim in this society - so easy that everyone else seems to expect you to do it, and encourages it.
   I will make a detailed post on the topic later, but i have come up with a new grok of the concept of time, one that may rescue the topic from the flux box and bring back some of the abandoned order within my structures.  There are some parts of this new concept that i have to think through, so i will hold off on the piece that i have written to see how it holds up when i am in a different frame of mind.
   Part of our problem is the ground state.  We somehow have arbitrarily set ground at zero and started forward from there.  The arch druid speaks often of randomly generated settings that fix people's beliefs; the idea that everything stops at zero is terribly ingrained - and very likely false.  But logic requires falsifiability and by the custom of setting zero as the beginning or the end - this absolute limit has set our mind set to something that provides constant cognitive dissonance.
   I sure like word smything - it make me feel like i am saying something different when preaching to the choir.  I have been thinking about plasma phases and mixing coefficients, consciousness from a chemical basis and how the waveforms are generated, how they collapse.  This is where i now find new ground - on that is a balance point between yin and yang, when the tip can go either way and the probability is 50%:50%.  This is ground - the conscious point - the place where resonance is turned off and field effects are due solely to the nature of the field.  No time, no space.  Happens oh - 3 billion times per second.
   That type of number scares me - 3,000,000,000.  It is a large number that as a mathematician is hard for me to grok.  When i express it as an exponential - 3 x 10 to the power of ten, it gives me a handle that is more reasonable.  To me - the proportion here is 10/64 - which provides a separation of 2.5 to 3 orders of visibility.  This is far enough away fractally to allow the mathematics of reality to have totally different physical expression.
   If we accept quantum theory, the notion that there is an absolute smallest unit that cannot be further broken, then we have to give up the mobius strip of 'as above, so below', because there is a stopping point.  When we correlate relativity with quantum theory - as done by Athene in his theory of everything - we now have some new imagery to work out.  If i am right about ground, then it is a bindu point between matter and antimatter and we function perfectly normal in multiple spaces and times at once.  This fits the many worlds hypothesis and tells me that certain authors have better access to reality than others.
   I will spend more time thinking about this whole thing - as long as i am allowed the illusion of personal freedom to think.  There is major denial that has become oppressive; life is crashing through one of these bindu points on a much large scale than our current dimensionality allows us to see - once again, perspective of insight is everything.  I think i will change scale and remote view a few things, before i write too much more.  If you want to grok what i just said - go to my friend Roger's website.
   Namaste      doc

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