February 28, 2013

The Harbinger

The bricks have fallen,
But we will rebuild with hewn stone;
The sycamores have been cut down,
But we will plant cedars in their place.

Isaiah  9:10

     Biblical prophesy is generally not my strong suit.  I was raised in a religious family and went through a major comparative phase after losing faith in my original religious training.  I had times where i was atheist and other times where i was mono-theist.  I can talk Christ with Christians and Allah with Muslims and God with Jews.  I am extremely spiritual and talk with Great Spirit in many forms - each of us is divine in our own being and has purpose when we settle down to grasp reality.
     Reality, What a Concept is an old Robin Williams comedy album, that still rings true today.  George Carlin also had many things to say on the topic of reality and religion - his portrayal of Cardinal Glick with his Buddy Jesus in the movie Dogma is one of my all time favorite movie memories. (The movie also features Argo star Ben Affleck along with a totally recognizable cast.)
     This week, I burned through a novel The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn and it struck me as so correct that i feel compelled to write a short review and endorse the book.  I generally read Tom Clancy or Robin Cook type of fiction - books in the realm of faction rather than fiction, giving license to the author to change the facts to suit the story.  Sometimes, I think this is lame-stream media news protocol too - make it up so that it sounds good, even though it isn't quite right.
     The Harbinger tells a tale that is a discussion of parallels between the biblical prophesy of Isaiah 9:10 and the current human melodrama that we know as 9/11.  I personally think that most of our information on display is seriously flawed, but the sequence of events is now history and can be looked up in addition to being seared in our memories if we are older than teenage.  The incident serves as the catalyst;  the speeches are documented in historical (hysterical?) record.
    Regular followers know that i have in depth training as a scientist and i am highly critical of the presentation of the factual knowledge base.  I believe that history repeats itself in fractal form and that sacred geometry forms the basis of life rather than Cartesian mathematics and Newtonian physics.  I question everything and look for first premise in the presentation of fact - does it meet the sniff test and follow the laws of nature.  Nature does not count one, two, three; yet always seems to fill all the space available with a little bit of wiggle room ( +/- 1).  I believe in Gaia theory and functions of scale - as above, so below; as below, so above.  This book has a story worth paying attention and is a relatively quick read.
    The question is one of predestination and world view.  As things change, they really do stay the same.  Things are gradually repeated, time after time, until the lessons of history are learned and progress can be made.  I think Paula Abdul sang it best; two steps forward, one step back.  Progress is an illusion and infinite growth is a mirage.  This book can be a wake-up call, if anybody is still listening.
    As I reconnect back to a fractal pattern of what i left months ago, I find that the illusions of chemistry, my chosen field, hide the substance of a solution to technical problems that seem to be beyond our control.  The issue is as well understood as the Bible - which means, not very well.  Thus, i see places where the prophet in the book is a magick character that fits well with the myth i hold of myself - a seer and a bard, who sees through different eyes and different context and can walk a unique path.
     Defiance is a mouse giving the finger to the cat second before becoming lunch.  The illusion of reality is pasted on the billboards and screens, shouting down anything that is not publicly accepted as verified by the narrow tales of science, built over the past 300 years.  If we take this with a grain of salt, that grain could be the foundation stone for a modern pyramid, if we can accept a different story at the fundamental level.
    The different story is of course already stated in the Bible, an archaic relic of what people used to believe, rewritten for each generation to keep the tune of the music acceptable within the context of what our illusionary leaders want us to believe of their illusionary whirled.  I have stepped away to watch and learn and not to presuppose what i have been taught as applied to what i know.  The vision quest is a difficult way to be informed of reality, but after having a second travel into the beyond - i have to always go back to my premises and check for structural integrity of what i think is there.
     When you visit the site links - you find that i am willing to hear different pitch in the same music.  I am a critic of the powers that were and a skeptic of the party line at all times.  The Harbinger spooked me, because the documentation is real - you can look it up and it fits the history myth right on, in two fractally related time periods.  I would suggest that a third input supporting the first two would establish a new set of facts about historical context.
     At this point - I think I will end this post rather than going deeper into my personal beliefs, which are not at issue.  I can see that I need to be writing, because each different expressed view can be added to the sum of other views to extrapolate solutions where none currently exist.  To approach change, we each need to be that change;  to walk the walk that follows up the talk we talk.  I think we are being fracked by the powers that were at a scale that cannot be synthesized into the current reality, to be chewed up and spit out by a universe that just does not conform to our fictional assigned rules for the universe.
     If you enjoy reading history with modern context - take in the Arch Druid's blog.  My fracking reference here is explained in his post from yesterday (2/27/13).  Only you can see the light; the blogosphere can help lead you to the context.  I am no longer angry, I am no longer delusional - I see my mission as being a leader who got to there five years before there was even established and am here to welcome you to the new reality with-out the illusion - a slow path of changing approach, based on the bursting of bubbles and removal of the hot air behind them.
     Namaste'     doc

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