March 07, 2013

Group Dynamics

   When things really change, they tend to appear to stay the same.  The most drastic physical changes often occur well after the initial change has been made - once the inevitable ramp upward has been scaled enough that the form is altered.  To look at the mathematics of change, we have to start with Ghandi's theme, to be the change you wish to see.
   This means that change starts with me as the number one change enabler.  It also looks at change as a single effort, which is the sum of individual efforts and therefore the mass of all small change sums up to the one large over-all change.  As I begin to change and you begin to make changes, if we work together under the same theme, then one and one make two.  Please notice that we cannot get up to two, unless we have first committed to change by being first.
   Two people working together can make a very effective team, bouncing ideas off each other and trading notions to see what may work and what may not work.  Two pairs of people coming together create a group of four - this doubling function adds a lot more value to the group effort - because now the pairs can exchange individuals on different themes of individual interest and broaden the base. 
   Four people make very stable working and their effort can build an extremely stable base - but cannot grow very well at all.  The doubling function to eight requires that the two groups coordinate, but individual leadership starts becoming suppressed in these larger groups - the dominant personality of a single individual tends to push the other folks into standing around until approval for an effort is given, rather than the self-initiative that began at one.
   Two can also pick up a third person, and three is a stable working group that falls back to two plus one in a mix and match arrangement of individual goals.  You work with a partner sometimes, then work by yourself and then give to the other partner - then let the other two work together while pursuing the goals.  This group of three - sans individual leadership - can take any focus at any time and work through some mechanisms that initiate change on a greater level.
   A group of three should look to pick up another pair of two to broaden the aspects of intention.  Five seems to be a critical number for the conduit between small and isolated to gaining critical mass.  A self-directed five member group can become very effective at targeting a specific challenge and approaching a solution from a variety of vectors.  Having a single individual 'manage' the dynamics without guiding the flow in a specific direction helps efficiency.
   From five, the next proper group size is eight.  Here, we get a number that can be achieved by both prior routes - the doubling function and the Fibonacci sequence.  Yes - this count 0,1,1,2,3,5,8 is a very familiar theme in sacred geometry - there is a good reason that group dynamic follow the same pattern as nature does for growth.  Change is growth in another form of approach, so it is natural that size is proportional to effort - each individual has to remain true to oneself, yet also be committed to the group dynamic to make the effort work.  Differentiation at a cellular level begins at this stage of eight - there is critical mass now for different aspects of change to be addressed.
   Thirteen is the next stable marker for the Fibonacci sequence, while sixteen is the landing point for the doubling function.  Both sequences grow exponentially rather than linearly - our thinking broadens as more individuals express their differing opinions.  Both integration and differentiation are mathematical forms in calculus; the model of change being a combination of the two makes sense - they function like addition and subtraction or multiplication to division, as yin to yang.
   Sixteen is a quarter of sixty-four - a quick look at a checkerboard shows the symmetry of the arrangement.  Thirteen is a prime number with a very symmetric form.  Take a circle and surround it with six more circles in a tight packed hexagonal relationship.  Then place another circle opposite the center about each of the first ring circles and you now have a symbol that has the symmetry of the flower of life.  Not quite the same, but very close.  (The Flower of Life is a symmetrical 19.)
   This is as much math as i wish to give at this point - the Fibonacci sequence continues from 13 to 21 to 34 and then 55.  Each number is generated by the addition of the prior two numbers and the growth rate of the sequence comes very rapid.  Large numbers become irrelevant for comparative purposes - quite unlike the linear box most of us currently find ourselves trapped in.  To escape the box, you must start at one and then advance to one.
   Realize that the time sequence for growth is the same at each stage of the game.  It takes the same amount of time to get from one to two as it takes to get from 89 to 144.  In other words - patience is a virtue when starting from scratch.  Momentum is achieved after a long period of getting the work done with a few, as more people see the effort of one and contribute their personal efforts up the ladder to two, three and five.  Each step is organic - we are following the growth of a sunflower or a nautilus or any form of natural fractal.
   Time is also an illusion - we are always in the present now.  Time is a construct that allows us to look back at history for salient points that can direct our effort.  The key is to know that we don't know everything and that the way things are is because of the weigh we evaluate things in terms of what already was, within our experience.  The new changes can only be inspired by intention - knowing that we have to make change and pulling together to set that change, once we have the basis set clearly established in our individual minds.  Then the first one becomes the second one in the sequence and we come together on a path that is different than the trajectory we current see.
   Peace and Love.   Namaste'    doc

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