June 14, 2005

Carbon Offsets

ReadVisited Portland to meet with a group called the Climate Trust. They have $4.3M to offer to offset carbon dioxide in future projects. Their request for proposals drew a 25 person turnout to hear about the first solicitation of the carbon market. I think we will have to pass on this one, but we moved very much closer to seeing a small carbon sale happen. The real market is likely two years away.
ThisThe Climate Trust's market functions on several accords. Carbon sequestration is an active process that involves forestry and agriculture. Energy reduction projects and alternative energy generation projects also are considered. There will be 2-5 projects funded, in an 18 month, 3 phase process.
PostLotsa numbers in this post. Tomorrow, I plan to expand on how I see the carbon market - what it is and what it should be. Also - the Roseburg Global Warming Coalition meets Thursday 6:30 at Anna Slemmer's place.

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