August 07, 2005

Rant on Politix - Paging Jesse

sometimes, you just have to step back and observe. things change so rapidly today; but the more they change, the more they really stay the same. politically, it looks like no choice on the horizon - a standard repoobliken (JM?), as yet unnamed, running against a standard demoncrap, as yet unnamed, but highly likely to have the initials HC. paging jesse ventura, earth to jesse, earth to jesse - can you read us. we need a body slam on the political scene, can you put on the white hat once again. we promise we wont let RP anywhere near with a chart.

when you think about it - grass roots management (or bottoms-up) is just as evil as top-down. politically, we need to rest the egos and fix the problems. first thing is to address the real causes of the problems. one of those causes is bipartisan politics. its just one big washington party. i question their jurisdiction. i question all jurisduction. lets get a plain language simple contract with amerika - let people choose in or out. if in - get to work making the government serviceable. if out - canada and mexico aren't very far. but lets get rid of all the partisan rules and choose our lawmakers by profession rather than by geography. each of 435 professions gets one representative to congress. find a different means to choose senators, equally really non-partisan.

finally - lets represent everybody on the supreme court, not just the lawyers. the constitution actually restricts lawyers to the judiciary, but since they have oozed out into the legislative and executive branches, controlling them is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube. so lets reset our system requirements and drop the need to actually know the politically rigged system - we need our solomons to know fairness and justice, not some precedent by some circuit court in the middle of the last century. time to reboot to the organic constitution.

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