September 16, 2006

Opine about Time

Internal Peace is an awfully hard state to obtain. You almost have to be indifferent about everything anybody says, because opinions are fighting words that we use to needle our way into conversations about things. Once you start to speak and others join in, it becomes a game of one-upmanship to see whose opinion can accumulate the most value. Shoot down somebody else's thought at your own peril, because they see you as the enemy from there on out, rather than as another resource with a different opinion.

In fact, having your own opinion these days can be hazardous to your health, if it isn't the proper opinion as expressed by the powers that be. But those powers be at every level of the ever shrinking/growing accordian that opens time when you have room to expand and narrows it down when an incumbent deadline awaits. Somehow, the idea that time is linear seem to be an artificial constuct - one that is forced upon people to make it more efficient to work together - as though we actually are capable of such a thing. Better get back to real work - i could get in trouble for blogging too much when there are other things on the agenda for the day...

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