October 07, 2006

Theory of Life : Form Over Substance

Trying to slip back into active chemist mode, so that Dr. Lenny is comfortable with the manipulation of elemental form. My current working hypothesis is that the chemical basis of life is fundamentally correct, but the interaction of chemicals to derive energy rather than mass is the place where the game interest should be payed. We can look at both form and substance and know that if the substance isn't there, we are blown out of the water. But even when there is substance, if it happens to be in the wrong form, it will do little good. Time gradually averages out all inputs, in both matter and energy, with the normal resting spot for chemistry being a stable form. We have always taken that to mean the lowest energy stable form, but dr. lenny is not in agreement that that is a requirement.

So in order to determine how to achieve different stable states of chemicals that can store potential energy for incremental use, Dr. Lenny planning to get back into the inorganic synthesis and analysis game. We have now achieved reproducible technique in lab distillation - now the trick is to become observant and propose minor change to the way things are done to promote less used energy and more time efficiency in the process. The idea is taking things apart in such a way that the resting state becomes one of ready availablility of the form necessary for the next step of process. Because equipment is currently sparse, non standard solutions are the current vogue. In coarse terms rather than fine, we shall see whether the game starts well or foamy thus without needing to pursue subtlety until after we have bulk results. This approach only works when you have prior trustworthy data that indicates course path is of course applicable. But molecules like people do funny things when you change their local environment.

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