April 02, 2007

East Coast Sales Shark

Work hard and you too can be given the opportunity to spend money to buy prestige and fame. So ran the pitch from the whoze who functionary that thought she had a live one on the hook when once i allowed her to keep on talking. Hard sell the honoraria and the ability to schmooze with other gee whiz type lemmings like myself and boy oh boy do i have the opportunity. Would i like my free lunch with platinum or gold trim? then every six month you can buy a list of names for about 200 fiat bux. What's that. You never solicit without terms of the agreement in writing? our company has a policy that we only offer our great deal once, cuz iffin ya gots time to think about it, yawl would never do it. I witness some closing lines reminiscent of insurance salesman. The call abruptly terminated when i wouldn't go for the ultimate desperate low-ball offer for the socio-economically challenged. Sigh. Ah, barlebey...

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