May 26, 2007


What is normal - a commonly accepted phenomena that 'happens to everyone'? When we normalize in science, it is a means for setting the scales equivalent, when the items differ in size and content. Normalization is a tranformation which is an artificial construct, which allows a false dichotemy, which allows comparison in relative terms, not in absolute terms. Normal is an application of reducing complexity through the application of symmetry. A unit output normalized up is nonsense, but a large output normalized down can be used to project a logical mean. The mean average is a basis point for a comparison of metrix - the better we normalize diverse data, the more we can understand.

Essence has moved beyond duality, there no longer is essence. This coercive society consists of employment where people get their work by creating more work for other people. The objective seems to be to keep minds occupied, distracted away from the real work that has to be done. Cleansing and healing the earth will not generate a profit for the immediate time - it is just the necessary precondition for moving forward withhowdt moving backward - a dance of time, space and consciousness. Be here now - for there are only a few more days before the nadir and apex of the last 5600 years become apparent.

Face your calling this weekend and decide what it is that you wish. Wishes, like fishes, come true if you make them with a steady heart and a knowledge of the limits. Man has the ability to integrate and differentiate reality, but at this point we are much too busy practicing division and multiplication. Perhaps the word division needs to be change to splice - six splice three equals two. Multiplication already has times - three times two is six. Life uses exponential powers, anything to the power of one looks exactly like self. Whether it is self or just another facet of self remains to be seen.

The theory of 64 now says that there are 64 x 64 dimentional interaction between two adjacent conceptions of the way it is. In my world of chemistry, matter and energy are defined very succinctly - we have atoms that form molecules defined by a periodic table. since we humans are substance of the earth and the rules of molecular chemistry should hold that every human bonding interaction should follow the symmetry rules of group theory in chemistry. Thus the family, a stable small bonded molecule is much better than government, a soul eating polymer. Bucky balls are stable - the largest known functional organic group at the moment. Small molecules take shapes dependent on their consistency of being and their electron orbital structure - large molecules run long and thin and tangle like spaghetti.

If we remove the six essential elements of life (PS HONC) from the seventy element found naturally in living beings, we are left with sixty-four elements. There are also 64 distinct codons in the DNA genetic code. The junk DNA or nonsense DNA that is between the genes ubiquitous in the code is the same within an individual, but varies across members of all species - you get one of the 64 codes as a primary. This contains life assumptions that are common between those sharing the code - an intuition doorway for like minded souls to communicate information faster, by not needing to cover old ground.

There are also two sets of seven life forms related in crossed reality with half your common base. You relate to them and feel comfortable, but you still need to work to grasp their meaning when they speak. This forms a basis for sanctuary and sanctity - the deep religious experience we get as a sense of place - we feel at home when like dissolves like and our 64th type friends gather in their group beings. We would not mate within our 64 - because genes that mate with self form recessive characteristics that do not enhance species. It may be why we deny and dislike people most like ourselves - we must forgive ourselves of that self-immolation and move on.

The dogs are barking - the pack is accumulating as we move toward convergence. The earth flow is calling me off - thus i shall slip off into lemme mode and end in poem.

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