April 26, 2008

Travel thoughts

Got the chance to drive my rig a few hundred miles this weekend. The costs of gas and food is beyond absurd. I learned to deal with a flat tire, then made the contacts necessary to get business done. It seems that my energy is way down from where it used to be - driving gets me very tired. Of course, changing the flat helped increase the work load, now i will have to locate a replacement spare. As rosanne rosannadanna said - it's always something.

When you read this, take the time to think about something. Life has been dealing the cards fast and furious lately, sometimes we forget about all the good things that happen. It was very good to catch up with old friends and family - taking the time off to get howdt of town is something we often put off until it becomes too late. Hug your kids and smile. Be good to you, so that others can too.

More thoughts about intentional community - it takes time to get people on the same page. Perhaps we need a game of survival at an internet site to get people prepared for the coming storm. If each person starts a garden and sets aside 10% for seed stock, then we might have a chance beyond this year. As it looks now, smoke and mirrors are the major phenomena - and the money is not keeping its value. Find people that you can share with, because that's the only way were gonna make it - in groups of 10-20 conscious folks pulling in the same direction. Food and fiber, housing and water. Clear clean water!!

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