June 26, 2008


There seems to be a lot going on, even though not much is going on. The ability to communicate is changing, where knowledge seems to be transmitted through the air, rather than requiring writing or speaking. Telekinesis or some other celestial offspring has it clicking. There is way more to what is going on than meets the eye.

I noticed that blogger came up without the editing options of changing the font and color. I will make this post and do the editing later, if allowed. My guess is that we have moved another step into the void - the change is here, but we have our reactions limited by the need to remain in this time and space. Meditation can call us into another location, but then it may be a matter of coming back - what happens when the there out there that we expect is no longer there?

It is going to be hot this weekend. Take care to not burn in the sun. :-)

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