March 09, 2011

Broke? Create Money!

This is where i like to say things that are better left unsaid at the Existence portal. If you track both sites, you will find that sometimes i just need to blow off a little steam - not complaining, mind you, but expressing deep frustration with the lack of obvious effort on the part of some people. The idea is to just do it - but some of us are stuck in the rat race and still think that others have to be coerced into accepting some very lame rules of life.

So i owe everybody a story about why i busted my laptop computer. I just got frustrated once again by the fact that i could type in deep thoughts and then in two keystrokes have them vanish back into the aether. I understand that this is the universe in a very perverse way telling me it's not quite there yet, be patient. I am ready, the whirled is not.

The crux of it is, that i have to either shit or get off the pot. I am tapped howdt in the monetary system and must do something to play the game of rents and obligations, because Sprint isn't very comforting when you can't pay their bill. So i am going to actual place a for money class up on the internet - called The Many Faucets of Water. It will be located at the Northwest Education and Training Institute. I hope to have a section on things you can do by yourself outdoors locally, perhaps with the sponsorship of local community organizations like the Grange or the YMCA.

The idea is that my latest quantum jump will create another entertainer, an actor in a role. I hope to make a few videos and talk a few deep concepts - this isn't going to be your grandpa's water course. Motivated students are required - although the effort will be controlled by the interests of the enrolled students. As I figure things out, I will post more information.

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