January 13, 2012

Downen Howdt

Are you paying attention? The pressure to continue is greater than the breaking point - it no longer matters what or if we do anything - the wheels are coming off the cart and the adventure in free fall has begun. Responsibility for all my actions are my own, but i no longer buy into the system of spending money to continue spending money. If it is not a direct cost for something i am not compelled to have, then i don't accept the requirement of payment. The system is built on a house of cards that constitutes fraud - yet individuals are responsible and corporations are people. I don't get it.

We are all one. We are all water and the water is the life creating agent. There is water in every living thing, mediating the reactions of carbon. The whole explanation for how it works is really nothing like how it works at all - but the gatekeepers insist that that is the only way it ever can be. Look at how nature works and ask yourself why that isn't the way we work. Bio-mimicry offers solutions, but we know better than to think that perhaps indeed nature has a bit more experience than humanity, in this form.

My frequency is increasing; the low vibrations that were holding me back have been eradicated from the vocabulary - if it doesn't feel right, i just don't do it. I am sensitive to vibration these days - the emission of frequency direct toward cognitive dissonance really messes with my mind.

Left - came back. Lost the thread of thought - that happens a lot lately. Things are changing so fast, that i have no reliance on temporal patterns - green just infuriates me as a color and red is somehow soothing. Blows away the stereotype when the blues are awe inspiring rather than sad and melodic. Oh - Furry sings the blues - thanks joni. Thyme to fly.

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