June 14, 2012

Monochromatic Resolution: Resurrection of Time

   The conversion between matter and anti-matter occurs so fast that we are given an illusion of continuity.  In all the science i have been through, i have always been told that the ground state is the lowest energy level.  After thinking about the problem with time, i have concluded that this is false - the ground state is not the lowest energy state available.  I am well grounded - this ground is the midpoint where it takes the same amount of time to flip from one state to the other as it does to flip back.  How fast this happens is called frequency and consciousness is related directly to frequency by Planck's constant.
   Low frequency and high frequency are both apex and nadir - neither can be the ground.  Ground is a temporary phenomenon and gives the illusion of no motion.  This is because the back equals the forth.  At all other points in the spectrum (other than ground) the yin/yang is not split in half - we are out of balance - either coming or going but not at the state where we could go either way with equal opportunity.
   This is why we need sleep - theoretically if our lives were in perfect balance, we would sleep on a twelve hours on/twelve hours off basis.  Since time is not allowed here - lets kick off the hour requirement as being relative - not constant.  That is, as long as sleep balances with awake, then we are grounded.
   There is always a dynamic flux - in and out;  breathing is an example of how there would be no life without this exchange.  Take any heisenberg type relationship and it works in this fashion.  Thus, by defining the ground as the balance between the two states, we can see that ground is neither a limit, nor an endpoint.  It is the place where the geometric mean meets the median - a place of total symmetry.  A person who is well grounded would have equal access to both hemispheres of the brain.
   Now we can rescue time from the flux box and define it in terms relative to consciousness.  To do this, we could change the calendar, to equalize the 'harm' to everyone while hitting an absolute reset button on economy.  Time travel can provide a dispersion mechanism - because at ground at time zero - the vector of space and time are both zero - we can end up anywhere.  This could be nature's way of fixing the vurrent tower of babel - by sorting people to different frequencies by aligned world view, then giving each group exactly what it expects.  This would be my interpretation of the 'many worlds' POV - but it could be couched in equivalent language for any individual to grok.
   Zero, then becomes a bridge between plus and minus, matter and anti-matter.  It is crossed at will with the frequency of crossing causing the vibration defined by your personal time arrow.  There is a convergence of belief because that is what the frequency can handle - i believe that both higher and lower frequencies have limits that are governed by symmetry and pace.
   These crossings happen all the time, but the time units we use here are all relative to this particular consciousness.  When we sleep, we travel to another scale and do all the things incumbent upon us - then we wake up recharged and handle out work in this realm.  This happens all the time, very fast because of our size - heavier people seem to experience time slower - but we equilibrate everybody by using the same clocks.  (People includes all alive entities).
   Look at it like this is a projection of the three dimensional clock back into two dimensions - you get a line with a definite period of oscillation.  In a different sense - the math is the same as the projections of the planets rotating around the sun, when all are hurling through space at some outrageous speed - just to maintain Einstein's relativity and get the corrections to fit our time and size scale.  So really, 'as above, so below' and what comes around, goes around are fractals of each other and eventually (every 25,900 yrs or so) we do get back to here again.  But while we are here, let's all Be Here, Now.
   Peter Frampton had lyric do what you want to do, be what you want to be, but be who you are ... the strong give up and move on, but the weak give up and stay.  It is a matter of frequency, determined by consciousness, that sets your time period.  It is a function of your weight, size and proportions as to how many flips you as an individual get during each second, but the error bars on trillions are in the billions, so there is a lot of room for many simultaneous frequencies at the level that we exist today.
   And with that - i have now justified time in terms that i can grok and will now allow myself to look at the clock - the one in the bathroom is frozen at 11:11.   The mental gymnastics are over and now the clean-up phase can begin - refining the story such that others can grok this event and use the force behind it.

Namaste'     doc


Susan said...

How does all of this translate in to practice? (in simple layman's terms please - I'm not a science major =) )

Doc said...

Hi Susan - i just got to the point where i can accept time, so personally for me it means that i once again might choose to interact with that concept called viable work.
For the rest of things - well, i believe we will see time travel happen in the very near future (it may already be one of those secrets that we already have time travel and they are holding out on us.)
I will come up with some other implications, the ground being balanced rather than an absolute end means there is more choices than just up or down.
Thank you for asking.

Doc said...

are more choices - wish i could edit the comment like i can edit the post