December 06, 2007

Odd man howdt

The saga continues ...

At the end of the summer, Dr. Lenny travelled across the country searching for self and getting away from an insanity that took over thanks to the stress of keeping up with a society gone mad. The result was an organization, Universal Sovereigns of the Living Earth - a group dedicated to self-actualization based on personal accountability. To be walking the walk that is consistent with talking the talk was a major goal; being grounded and thinking rationally was another mission. Since september, the work has been healing the soul and bringing context back to enjoying the flow patterns of life.

Well, a summons brought me back to the old home turf and then the notion of the universe deciding its own humour came about. For the time being, i can go home again - in fact i will have to. The circumstances dictate being responsible and understanding what that means is well beyond my ken. But the boys need their dad right now, so other missions will be on temporary hold until the work of getting jump-started back into the herd gets going. Decisions have a way of making themselves, thanks to unique events dictated by karma, rather than dogma.

So if you know anybody that can use a natural resources chemist to work on permaculture education, the next circus is about to begin. Drop a comment, give a suggestion and who knows what can occur. Remain positive and wish us luck - the roughest time has passed, but there will still be much craziness, joy, and challenge in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lenny. Smotis is going to work with Oregon industries to establish carbon footprint studies. That is provided you are able to conduct the training sessions through the site.

In addition, there is a need to conduct programs in chemical storage and disposal/transport training.

Give me a call...Bob