April 17, 2008

I'm still here

Wow - it has been awhile. I just got net access - we shall see if we can post with some frequency. Life has been hard - bet it's gonna get harder. If there is anyone out there working on building intentional community - i'd like to know. It seems like a fiber based economy - flax and hemp - might be the only solution to maintain local rural economy. Grow your own food and clothing. It also may be necessary to grow your own housing unit. I have been working with several folks - will try to put some more ideas out.

Also - started reading the anastasia books - the ringing cedars series. Seems fantastic, but it addresses the same issues as i have been looking at. The economy has not treated me well and so i feel like i am at the cutting edge of the system collapse. Looking for work, but not sure that i have the proper skill set. Better get back to life - if you are not paying attention, somebody is taking advantage of you. The system will eat everyone eventually - so try to stay well.

1 comment:

Steve Scott said...

Welcome back to still being here! I'm trying to build intentional community. Everybody with pieces of paper with dead presidents is welcome! I'm staving off the economic strain by maxing out those credit cards and buying insurance that covers not being insured. On the serious side, we do have plans to put in an organic veg garden in the way-back. A good friend of mine is a bio-dynamic organic farmer who is working on fertilizer production. Now if I could only grow my own barley and hops...