December 12, 2011

Complexity --> Simplicity

I made a comment on a post called complexities that raised a significant issue. We as people tend to want to feel good, but we do not take responsibility for keeping ourselves well. Dehydration is the major cause of most symptoms - any time you don't feel well, drink a glass of water. Just water - not coffee, not tea, not juice, not soda - water.

Do not drink distilled or deionized water as a regular habit. Normal water is a superb solvent and has many things dissolved into it. Salts are compounds made of ions, which dissociate in water and reform into more useful clusters. This is governed by solubility - to go deeper - i would suggest that you sign up for my water course at nweti.

Occupy your own mind and body. Look at yourself and assume responsibility for your actions. Realize that i say these things to me, as well as you, as i am in the same float situation as the rest of us are. There is a major shift taking place and if you are interested in really changing how things are - then i have a new attention focus project. It is worthwhile long term, but it pays no money to anyone up front. So, once again, the model is put forth work ahead and hope the universe appreciates the effort, because people are not ready to pay money that could otherwise be spent on rent and gas, or drugs and entertainment. We desperately need some new business models, ones that do not require us to form a corporation in order to relieve liability for actions that we should be responsible for, but aren't because we are cloaked in the coat of corporate structure.

So i will just publish a few more poems and breathe deep during another thyme howdt (time out: for those who insist on using the rules of language and spelling).

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