February 17, 2006

EH - 71 : Demographics

wow - the numbers are astonishing. But we do not have to divide people by pointing howdt their differences. It's all up to what we value, and we no longer value the things that produced our value. But who we define as we seems to be the key, and i'm certain that the collapse of both western and eastern civilization at the same time will lead to a much better respect for the ability to produce. Reason is one thing, but paper shuffling only produces paper consumption. When it comes to creating real value in order to feed onesself and family, i think people will start producing amazing results - if we work at it.

i really think that we need to invest our time and energies in improving ourselves to be able to meet individual challenges and collectively working in our own ways to help society. group think is super bad. our mullahs are named pat robertson and jerry falwell, but there are plenty of secular mullahs also - too much my way or the highway crowd. not that islam is good - but the party here is over. Not that the next party is bad - just different.

however, if we each take what we are good at, and enjoy improving at it, we should be okay. the consensus that will come will require people to pull their respect from pulling their weight. It really doesn't matter what field you pull weight in, just be good enough to the point where your effort is respected by people you deem worthy of having to earn their respect. The first person on that list is you. You don't get anywhere withhowdt self-respect.

If you are interested in joining lemme and i on our quest - start sending ideas to yourself on things that you have interest in. If you can document spending 100 hours on something you are personally interested in figuring howdt, i think you will know your subject matter. Then the learning fun begins. Document, journalize, write. Blog. Work is the expenditure of energy to accomplish a task - you have to put in effort to get results.

Or go watch TV and refry your brain.

1 comment:

Archr said...

What TV? Ain't got one.