February 19, 2006

EH - 72 : Self-reliance literature

David Brownlow talks in Christian terms about what people should do to activate politically and stop being a lemming. Unfortunately, i think that perhaps the lemmings really do wish to remain lemmings and even though they could do something, it takes too much effort and they are rewarded well for non-effort. In fact every effort at effort that doesn't support the status quo gets rewarded with grief. Bur grief is sort of a forbearer of real knowledge, because real work really requires effort . Life is hard, but it has been made easy for some. Life is easy, but it is made difficult for some. Easy and Hard are relative terms - what do they really mean?

Before writing off Brownlow because of his religion, pretend that religion is superfluous (does not matter at all) and then you would find that the message David brings is the same one doctor lenny brings, as did some other peaceful willful leaders of the past. Civil Disobedience is a major work by h.d.thoreau, an essay that packs more punch than Walden. While you are in reading mode - Bartlebey the Scrivener by h. melville (yes - the moby dick dude) is a short story on the same theme. To complete the tri-fecta, A Modest Proposal, by j swift (gulliver's travel guy) illustrates extension of the thoughts.

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