December 13, 2006

Questions for Vache Folle

Who gets to deal with the pony poop? If we take the time to compost it, can we get to keep it? And why doesn't the blogger beta accept normal blogger comments?


Anonymous said...

The poop is just another one of the many benefits of pony ownership!

Blogger beta is a mystery to me as are most things about the internets.

Steve Scott said...

Yeah, what's up with the Beta? I can no longer post comments either, and I could for about a week. The comment box asks for a Google account, but says you can use your Blogger account as well. Also, I've noticed that the number of comments claimed at the bottom of the post and the number that you can read are different in some cases.

Anonymous said...

Good doctor: I figured out how to post comments on Blogger Beta sites without having to update your own blog to Beta. Go to Vache's comment section as if you were trying to post one, follow the links in getting a Google account, then you're okay to post.

Anonymous said...

Ok... I just figured out that this will work, but your name in the coment section will not link to your blog or Blogger profile, as a new, sterile one is created. Clear as mud?

Doc said...

changing over just because they can, but the disruption will hopefully only be temporary. lemme suggests resisting googlization at all costs, but there will likely be a time frame and then closure of the old system. so i linked From the Bleachers to the Cross Lynx, to make up for the misses