July 31, 2005

Energy: Chemicals via Botany

DreamThe links in this article are fascinating. I didn’t realize that liquification was the desired goal, but tree scrap biomass to fuel seems a much better alternative than methanol or ethanol, in the long run.
On What about designing a solar chemical capacitor system – storing energy in plants specifically destined for fuel consumption? If we grow exotic vegetables for sale to support the logistics, then the excess biomass could be divided between fuel consumption and nutrient return. The latter requires roughly 40% by mass, although the more dispersed the product, the lower the total.
Goal Plus, with more inorganic efficiency, we may be able to deliver the products in the proper chemical form. If the source of the raw material is CO2 and H2O from air – then a minimum package of bio-nutrients should be enough to sustain fiber farm production over multiple decades.

1 comment:

Doc said...

Today 080405 on Yahoo was an article about an unfunded graduate student who can turn ponderosa pine into bio-oil at 900F. Bet we can do better - invest in ONRRI - science for the future!! howdt