September 26, 2006

Chemistry Fish and Fishy Chemistry

The fish chemical detector is biological. Signal to noise is collected by observation - if the fish stresses, the water is contaminated. How many chemicals, pharmaceutical and filler are designed to dissolve, act and run-off back into the system. Note they don't have fish in both the influent and effluent streams. But - it is a good idea and a novel application headed in the right direction of biological use on the use/abuse axis. Lichen can serve a similar task for certain air pollutants. My guess is that as we look closer, the more biological indicators we will find. Thanks to Chemical Ali for the heads up. As Vache Folle noted, we miss your voice in our weblog chorus.

As a graduate student, i was busy making models of natural biologic systems to verify the chemistry pathway could exist. Elements can not be altered into other elements, but by changing their local environment, you could make them do things to think they were somebody else. Form and function matters to matter. Nature builds pathways to do the improbable only after years of not getting things done by probable methods. When we contain energy with no outlet, it builds up in very little volume (space) until released at once. Evening distribution, by using a biling chip, prevents a big bang that splashes distillate by giving a point of nucleation for smaller bubbles to form.

At any rate, i could alter the images of the geometry next to the metal element of interest and have it take different behavior, all by looking at the theoretical flow of electron density. Soft polarizable elements withdraw electrons. We made a single compound that contained iron in both +2 and +3 oxidation states, Fe(Fe(SN)3)2 where SN is a bidentate ligand. Bi dentate means having two bites - connections back to the internal molecule. I note this because in recent science mags i have read about great advances that were common knowledge in my field over 20 years ago. Real science is buried in patent law and edu/corp mumbo jumbo, so old stuff that nobody cared about is being pawned off as new and innovative. It is PR - public reliations. The media lying to you again. Or speaking half-truth.

Dr. Lenny will announce when his internet chemistry classes will be active for real gelt. Tonight we will try to use a new rev. of an old program . Chemistry for the Average Joe I or Chemistry for Teens II. No currency exchanges tonight - just sit in comment and absorb a bit on basic matter and energy featuring, hydrogen, oxygen and water.

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