October 21, 2009

Odd and Wierd together

i am at peace with me. the notion that the universe works thru the powers of distributed energy is amazingly clear. the focus of waves upon particles where the dual nature becomes a singularity should become the fundamental uniting concept of a new world field theory. distant interaction can become local as space-time folds - the stories you read are beyond the imagination to begin with, but we do not imagine in very big or very small terms. or at least most of us don't.

i am at peace with me. if a particle is a wave is a particle is a wave - can a wave be a wave without a particle nature? when a wave crests with another wave, the sums become additive. If the vectors are pointed in different directions, then maybe some of the energy is relieved into a non-mass, non-energy form. this is the world called spirit, the home of shamans and charlatans. as the collective gaia DNA line approaches the end of the chain, the current strands representing matter and energy are moving to ground. the spirit strand is causing forces that have been hitherto unknown by the persons shaping the current notion of history - they have not been factored into the transposition (or were blatantly ignored for profit by prophet).

so the physical constants are changing and time is just a parameter in the game. the notion that the higgs boson should not be discovered and hence is being affected by the future time travel is patently absurd by modern day science rules. but those rules have been skewered and are skew to the current motif - magic can happen. It just depends on your definition of magic. imagine an off the time time line that is perpendicular to the conventional reality time line - where what happens doesn't really happen, because it's all a test of the players playing an unknown game with unreal rules.

i am at peace with me. my wave frequencies got amplified but then the emitter popped and i was left back at the real home. the phone rang and the emission changed the field, so the current morphogenic response is to step back into that field, but at a lower vibration that will be amped back by the flow of thought into the same channels. sort of like an old tube television warming up.

i am at peace with me. the day has arrived to take stock in the current accounts and devote forethought to the next set of working conditions. the void voids tomorrow and the current intention will have been accomplished - a new cycle is set to begin. the void minds today, because the refection will open the interface to the pools that harbor the spirit that can talk my specific language. i know they call, the wanderlust grows stronger, but the unknown is, well unknown. for now. i am at peace with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

feliz ano nuevo