October 13, 2009

Pop goes the Bubble

The illusion of the possible arises from the stream of collective being. We progress through our day to day lives working to change the things that mean something to us. Then some magic occurs and things start to sail along on a different path. The lifestyle and responsibility levels change frequencies and we attune to a slightly different reality.

The rain has come to grace the land and the mushrooms are popping out all over the lawn. The senses are attuned and the book has opened a new chapter. Like the mushrooms, we were kept in the dark and shoveled manure and suddenly - it feels different. But the rain has come and the pressure dropped so it should feel different - i no longer have need of my barometer, as i am attuned to be the barometer.

Frequency radiance will have to adapt by getting a good solid grounding. After listening to Dr. Yuri Kronn speak at the Angel Organics Health Faire, i have a deeper comprehension of energy exchange mechanisms and levels of sensitivity. What people call Chi or Prana now has a tangible overlay - the wavelengths become available depending on the mix of subparticles - which are sub waves - because of schroedinger - that darn cat.

So nature has sent me signals to stay the course and just do what i feel that is important. Several scenarios played themselves howdt. Not only are there fewer pieces on the chess-board, but also a shift in dark and bright. The garden data needs processing, the garden food needs processing and the design of next year's experiment depends on the distribution of this year's seed. The mage will return with the wonderment of spring. We have a seed bank plan for this winter, Now we iron howdt how to get the best use for our feed stock on hand for fall, while planning where to plant this spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's easy to describe the leaves in autumn
and it's oh so easy in the spring
but down through january & february
it's a very different thing..

-Van Morrison