April 18, 2010

The Vanilla Casket

As the system works in nobody's behalf, why are we so afraid of ending it? We have watched and waited for a return to normality and that is never going to come. Instead of dwelling on how to fix something irreparably broken, let's just stop the nonsense and bury the vanilla casket.

There is no reason to buy into the banker's paradigm any longer. To stop violence - don't fight. To be sure to eat - grow food. To get somewhere else - move. The answers are simple when you ask the right questions. The paradigm shift is to move from what you don't want to what you do want.

The idea of ownership is so badly broken that the banks think they own everything and can print our money. The reboot necessary is to move back to the organic constitution - the bill of rights included! We need liberty and freedom from the world that considers corporations as people as to rights, but absolves them of associated responsibility. I like the euro model of removing all the distracting traffic signs and signals.

Self -governance is the wave of the future. Think local and act global and stop taking marching orders from anyone. A good dose of marching chaos will humble the powers that be and lead to a better, more apparent order that we just cannot imaging from this alignment of stars. As above, so below. We see but do not recognize - so Gaia will assist with our un-visioning process.

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