August 11, 2005

think local, act global

SayIf you don't believe what you read here - you are certainly encouraged to give a different opinion. Science has always been pursuaded by reason. If you don't agree that science has become a religion - go back to wiki and look up the word belief. Religions are constructs that help us to explain what we believe in terms of what we see.
YouIf you wish to counter what i am doing - come to me and talk - don't go behind my back and attempt to sabotage my resources. It will not work - science is vapor. But please do your own fact checking. We are seeing fruits of our natural resource grapes - we are creating county commissioner whine - right, Marilyn.
CanIf this were a boxing match, i'd have to say that we are seeking to overcome a small disadvantage. Round one was an overwhelming victory but rounds two and three had the good guys on the ropes. Each round adds new tactical skills and recent developments lead me to believe that time is not of the essence - rushing too fast will only create weakness that will have to be rejoined later. There is one stand-alone unit that requires attention, but shortly afterward, there will be a seasoned effort to create a new surface tension for round four. The salinity creep will be monitored and estuary developed as a point of focus. Rocks, bugs, water, plant distribution - the Umpqua will be measured with as limited a footprint as possible. Hopefully, as a function f(x) of high school science.
AllPolitics? Oh, yes - national politics. If we want to change our government, we had better roll up our sleeves and get involved. Ron Paul needs help - help any non D/R get elected to congress. If you disavow the political system - even more reason to get involved - the people acknowledge voting victory even if the vote is 1-0. Not voting is not an option - informed voting and working for choice beyond lawyers as representatives of the people in all elective office is an option. Whoever finds the best way to do this first wins - 435 chances to play - eligibility geographically determined. I'd bet on an upset in the second district in oregon (OR2-Walden-R), as long as the incumbent protection act is not used to stifle the blogosphere. CAFTA traitors cannot be rewarded by being reelected. (Note added 0814 - if klamath federal water policy suddenly shifts - CAFTA).

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