April 26, 2006

How to Save the World

This piece on natural organizations is worth reading - the title link is to the main blog-site. This type of philosophy is being shared by more and more people, equivalency exchange without the need for excess acquisition - but filling the needs of the productive members of the organization.

Though i could quibble with specifics all day, this is how the AQ58 system will operate. Here is my initial comment on Dave Pollard's post. (now i'm going back to look at his blog - thank Kevin C. for the tip)

zero waste is a very odd term when you get down to defining it. as a chemist, i tend to look at the carbon flux, and we are narrowing the scope while increasing the velocity in a monolithic system, while a natural system appreciates the meander and breadth of the flow. i see the need for models - where are some of these organic companies.

i have been struggling lately - but can a corporation/organic company have a sentience of it's own, like a hive of bees? DL

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