May 06, 2007

Advice, for what its worth

What does it take to get the aha! that changes the manner in which we surf through life. Taking in the routine has always been about doing the things we have been taught to do and making small improvements that give us more time to spend on the things we wish to accomplish in the time we have to do things.

So much time is spent waiting in anticipation of something happening, and yet the future is totally unpredictible in the coarse view. The fine view is that we attune ourselves to take advantage of good fortune when it comes our way, and the bigger picture is developed by a series of factors that allow us to resolve conflicts and accomplish goals.

Some people get so used to playing by the system, that they can't recognize system failure - the time is now to act upon individual needs and symbiotically mold them into a bigger picture that increases the abilities of all the participants in our spheres of influence. Those skill will be important in teaching the means of travel. One cannot teach properly if one has stopped learning. The journey doesn't stop while we wait to see what happened. Hold onto your hat, and carry your towel.

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