June 09, 2005

Oink # 12

Read If you want to take a look at the stuff that happens on the ground in riparian areas to develop stream habitat, then visit this link and pace yourself through 20 outdoor pictures of the Umpqua Watershed along with Doctor Lenny's Science yap. I'd like to develop Chemecology to focus on mass balance - defining where things end up during different stages of their existance. Investigating management styles and strategic differences in the last 50 years has taught us many progressive lessons, but we fail to compare them to each other on adequate basis over many years of practice before declaring that any one is better or worse. We really need redundancy of function and diversity of approach, rather than the current science redundancy of approach pretending to look for a diversity of solutions. The system is way too ordered, it needs the chaos being currently introduced. Please stand by and please don't panic!

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