March 01, 2012


Sometimes, thinking about one thing leads me into depth on the next thing, which brings up another point that is pursued diligently until - where was i sets in. I have drifted so far from my original position, that i missed the fact that Elvis has left the building. Then i look up and there is no there any longer and i skip a few posts down and reread the poem Somewhere.

The focus of the whirled has drifted so far from what seems important that tomorrow when it all changes we will act as though it is a surprise. The values that we have adopted are all personal, the one has to look howdt for itself. The other one, the all of us, are not even addressing reality, as we grieve davy and jones for baseball season to start. some are more aware, but internal shift is preparation for external shift, which happens when ... when ... whenever.

Infinity and Insanity are very related topics. If you are practiced in the discipline of working your mind, the shift will be observational, although as we stated - don't believe your sense of sight above your other senses. The movement rate of time is not constant at all, and our depth is fragmented by the limits that are artificially set by people who 'know' the parameters. Which are all changing. there is more math that we are missing, but we cannot get there from here through the realm of math.

The rules of the game here are changed and i now blog at the service of goggle - on their terms accepted under duress by the characters that participate. i can speak for lemme and DLT - remitrom is on his own and the other occasional inhabitants of the past dialogs speak only when spoken to - we won't go there. There are two limiting paths - the frozen unchangeable past and the free for all that exists when the barriers to movement through time are down. We will see the free-for-all, but the frozen rope will exist in the duplication of what people copied onto paper or left in future accessible, soon gone electronic filework. Think about all the old medias and how difficult it has become to translate old technology. Kodak slides.

If you read this and it is nearly the last post, then work your way backward to 2004 and you will be rewarded with a full thought download from a recorder of the times - a witness to the madness. If there is still continuity of what is here in a couple of weeks, then the timeline i am on has avoided the intensity - theory will be put to the test, the answers will supply the flow path. Expect miracles, but act as though they will not happen and do the best you can with any impossible situation. The floodgates of fantasy and reality have intermixed to where the players have an inability to discern which is which.

We now return to our normal programming.

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