March 18, 2012

Illegal Acts

The white kitty caught a rat this morning and is currently in the process of flinging it all about the kitchen. He is so proud of himself. Under normal conditions, i might have taken the rat away and sent the kitty outside, but today, i named the rat Obamma and will let him play. The white kitty is sovereign, just as i am sovereign. The latest E.O. is insane and we no longer have rule of law. We just have big kitties and little rats.

On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security. The order is not limited to wartime implementation, as one of the order's functions includes the command and control of resources in peacetime determinations.

Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act").

(b) assess on an ongoing basis the capability of the domestic industrial and technological base to satisfy requirements in peacetime and times of national emergency, specifically evaluating the availability of the most critical resource and production sources, including subcontractors and suppliers, materials, skilled labor, and professional and technical personnel;

The full draft is available on the Farm Wars site. The game is over, the wars are just starting to come over here. Let's watch and see how the new game is played. My rules are peaceful non-violence at all times. If called upon to follow any regulation, i will follow the wording to the letter, ab absurdia. There will be no use of brain power except for that that i choose to use, which will be to resist tyranny in all forms. We shall see how far this goes, but my guess is that it will disappear into the memory hole, until the point where somebody believes it to be enforceable. Then they will attempt to roll it out.

The time has come to pack it in. The game of corp is over. Put your wallet away and stop perpetuating this disaster. No commerce until we are resolved, whenever that may be. My guess is that 'they' start removing blogs like this one in the near future, so enjoy it while you can.

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