March 16, 2012

My advice to me

Too much is going on outside, while the peace and calm of inside calls. This is March Madness - we can avoid life by watching college basketball - because they tell to. The whole system is a scam - our focus is placed on one event, then another, to provide cognitive dissonance and place us in a position where we cannot object. The answer is withdrawal - stop playing the game.

I have been tense lately, because i have been attempting to live without any meds. The medications are provided by the health care system, which should be called the pharma protection system. For everything that it helps, there is way more that it breaks. Anything that is not natural is asking your system to work harder, for less benefit. Just like life. The idea of medicine is a scam - the butchers make profit from cutting on us. While i might trust a doctor to set a broken arm, i do not trust him to understand biophysiology.

In fact - i have yet to find a medical doctor who actually can hold a conversation about biochemistry. The composition of medicines are compromised by the preservatives - but then why should they treat meds different than they treat foods. Be aware of what you eat and do your best to get a diversity of locally grown foods - know your beef, if at all possible. This is the last legs : soon the changes will allow us to live free (and die). Trust your judgment and work hard to get good information, then do the best with the cards you are dealt.

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